Patient Transport Service

Patient Transport Service

In 2014, Maldivian Red Crescent expanded it’s existing services to the public by introducing a patient transport service for residents of Male’ City. The main objective of this programme is to provide an effective, affordable service to transport patients within the densely populated Greater Male' Area . This programme was initiated through the generous assistance from Singapore Red Cross.

To effectively provide this service, MRC has trained volunteers on First Aid and moving and lifting patients. This service provides access for transporting patients that seek regular health care services such as elderly patients requiring regular health care services and transferring patients at times of emergencies. Unlike other ambulance services in Maldives which provides a door to door service, the service provided by MRC ensures that patients assisted are transferred from bed-to-bed.

In addition to transporting patients for medical appointments, we also now offer the service of transportation of the deceased. Our utmost aim in providing this service is to uphold human dignity and respect.

What MRC Offers under this Programme

  • Bed - Bed Patient Transport Service
  • Respectful and dignified care by trained staff and volunteers
  • Specialized equipment to ensure safety and comfort of patients

This service is currently operated through the support of MRC Volunteers, as such our services are currently avaialble through a pre-booking system in Greater Male' Area only. To request for serivce, you can contact our toll free number (1425) which is operational from 09am - 5pm everyday except Friday.