Vector Borne Diseases 4 Steps to Protect Your Community

Vector Borne Diseases 4 Steps to Protect Your Community

Vector-borne diseases pose a significant threat to the wellbeing of our communities. 

Here are four steps to protect yourself and your community from vector-borne diseases!

ވެކްޓަރ ބޯން ބަލިތަކުގެ ސަބަބުން އަހަރުމެންގެ މުޖުތަމައުގެ ސިއްހަތަށް ނޭދެވޭ އެތައް އަސަރެއް ކުރޭ. މިކަމުން ރައްކާތެރި ވުމަށް ޓަކައި މި 4 ސަލާމަތީ ފިޔަވަޅު އަޅަމާ!