About us
Complaints Committee

Complaints Committee

The Complaints Committee is established as per Article 10 of the Statutes to to handle complaints and appeals

Complaints Committee is established as per the Statutes to handle complaints, including appeals regarding any action taken by any  governing body of the Maldivian Red Crescent. 

The Complaints Committee shall comprise of three (3) to five (5) members of which at  least two (2) shall be members elected by the General Assembly and the rest maybe  appointed by the Governing Board. 

At the 11th General Assembly held in April 2021, 5 members were elected by the General Assembly for the Complaints Committee Term 2021-2023. 

The Complaints Committee shall handle the following types of complaints: 

  • appeals for expulsion of members for a serious cause defined under  Article 4.11.5 of these Statutes;  
  • complaints of misuse of authority given by the General Assembly; 
  • complaints against members and Units violating rules and regulations  of the International Red Cross Red Crescent Movement; 
  • complaints against members and Units violating these Statutes and  Rules of Procedures; 
  • complaints against members and Units violating decisions of the  General Assembly; and 
  • complaints against members and Units for encouraging behaviour not  acceptable to the International Red Cross Red Crescent Movement. 

Any dispute arising between levels of governance that cannot be resolved  through the use of appropriate dispute resolution methods and approaches  shall ultimately be referred to the Complaints Committee. 

More details regarding the functions and proceedings can be found in the statutes article 10, Maldivian Red Crescent Rules of Procedure and the Complaints Procedure document.

Please check the accountability section for more details regarding submission of complaints