Strengthening Preparedness and Resilience through Inclusive Community Governance (SPRING)
In 2023, MRC commenced the Strengthening Preparedness and Resilience through Inclusive Community Governance (SPRING), a joint project with National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), Asian Disaster Prepardness Center (ADPC) supported by USAID Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance.
This project aligns with the on-going work carried out under MRC’s strategic priority 1 on Strengthening Emergency Response and Priority 3, Facilitate Planning for Resilience, and aims to increase resilience of all segments of communities in the Maldives to disasters. SPRING project takes an ‘all of society approach’ by integrating minority groups into the risk reduction process.
Our Approach
Community awareness and mobilization
Jointly with the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), MRC will aim to conduct Hazard Vulnerability Capacity Assessments (HVCA) in seven islands across the Maldives and support the development of Island Disaster Management Plans (IDMP's) supporting communities towards building reslience to hazards and disasters.
Capacity building and training
This component of the project revoles around capacity building communities to emergencies and disasters by focusing on conducting training and refresher trainings for community volunteers and change agents to prepare for and become resilient towards disasters.
